Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lone Bird

Over the past several months, I have read so much information related to how the world really works via Internet that it is enough to make my head swim. I have turned off the TV, especially the news channels who barrage the airwaves with annoying commercials and report about crimes and politics that are of no interest to me whatsoever. The message in all of this seems to be that the world is not safe, so get to the department stores and car dealerships, then hurry home and take your pharmaceuticals and watch our shows and you will lead a satisfying life. I haven't fallen for that propaganda and have gradually lost all respect for the media ( in fact in 1993 I a made an outrageous statement that the American media was one of the great evils in the world and was shocked by my own words). I am no longer shocked by any thing these days. Our food and water is being poisoned, the banks are robbing people blind, our political system is completely broken, and our freedoms are becoming extinct by the day. An intuit such as myself could feel hopeless under these circumstances, but the optimist in me continues to BELIEVE. Not in the usual religious sense, as it seems clear that organized religion is in cahoots with the current powers that be. Our planet and even our moon has been under attack and yet I do not feel powerless to stop this ongoing assault on humanity and our Mother. I have a plan that works for me and I believe that my actions are as important as the proverbial butterfly's wings that can cause a typhoon miles and miles away. I will share some of the underground knowledge that is surfacing in this new age of truth, and I have taken steps, albeit, baby steps to do my part in the matters in which I still have control. I will share some of these to anyone who cares to effect their own small changes.

 I use baking soda to brush my teeth... not fluoridated toothpaste. I also use a carbon filter on my tap water and wait for the day that I can afford a reverse osmosis filter system.

No more brand name brand products that claim to be natural, if it isn't organic I don't believe the label.

If an American company sends me merchandise and the item has a Made in China label, I will not buy their products again and will email to tell them so.

I send petitions to our legislators weekly showing my unhappiness with their bill choices, and it only takes a little research and a mouse-click to do this.

I research the origin of every product that I intend to buy and if it comes from a big agribusiness, pharmaceutical, or chemical company... I won't buy it.

I no longer watch any TV except for Jeopardy and an occasional movie.

I switched from a Big Bank to a small credit union and got rid of all debt and credit cards.

I know it takes time and effort, but since I haven't had a full-time job in three years, I have plenty of time to do this and I am grateful for the employment that I do have.

My wise mother once told me "I make myself rich by making my wants few" and I think it is excellent advice. A non cluttered life of the basic things that you really utilize and appreciate is the first step towards the financial freedom we all seek.

Head in the clouds... again!

      Here I am, visiting my old site and it seems that time is just racing by even though I have very little that I have to do. I just reread my previous blog about Occupy Wall Street which was attended and written months ago. It motivated me to become both a political activist and a political passivist at the same time. Since I have already established myself as a bit of a social coward, I will say that much of my time is spent on my computer researching all that is going on in the world, connecting that with what has gone on in the world, and melding it with some fantastic theories of what will be in the world... and it has been quite a journey.

I have been socially engaged in petitioning for causes I fully support which includes animal rights, social justice, environment stewardship, human freedoms, women's causes... just to name a few, and my inbox is always full of requests for my support. I can give a signature and it seems insensitive not to do so when a cause I believe in comes to light. I currently don't have a job and so money is out of the question, and frankly in the near future, I don't think money is going to even matter. That is why I am such a political passivist. Both campaigns are corrupted by wasted money on their selfish causes... well, I don't think there is a good choice.

I do meditate every day, and I tend to the small plot in my community garden, and of course I live to spend those precious moments with my family.

     But I wish to share a little story about how important it is not to get caught up with all the negativity that is swirling around in both the mainstream media and the Internet alternative. There is no doubt in my mind that we are in the midst of a grand paradigm shift. I have spent hours on the Internet reading everything from the most shocking conspiracy theories to the most dogmatic rational interviews and quite frankly it becomes overwhelming.

     Mostly I am peaceful and finding an almost isolated state of grace, but one night I found myself angrily questioning my faith in "the Divine." It was the "dark night of the soul" that had left me alone for quite some time now... yet it came back with a vengeance. As Eckhart Tolle would term it ... a BIG pain body.
     The following day when I felt a bit repentant for my ill chosen thoughts, I tried meditating about peace and love on my couch, and suddenly I could feel myself being pulled away somewhere on a moving gurney. It was a familiar feeling and yet I pretended to remain asleep as I didn't want to really see what I knew I was experiencing. All I can say is that I was no longer on my couch. I was brought to an examination room where my thoughts were being viewed from a control room... much like a CT scan. I could hear a voice giving monotonous commands and so I started to think of all the loving thoughts that I could conjure. I could see in my minds eye that the screen was lighting up in a spectacular array of color, and although it was of interest to whoever was studying me, it was also an annoyance. I would not give in to fear. This went on for the good part of an hour until I became mentally fatigued and my thoughts called out..."Sweet Jesus, please help me here." A screeching voice, yelled... Who is this Jesus of who you speak... I want to meet them!" My last thought was "fat chance of that" and I awoke abruptly to the sound of my phone ringing. I was back on my couch again. 
     It was a good reminder that you do indeed create your own reality, and so I will be a little more selective in where I allow my thoughts to roam. Namaste.