Thursday, April 16, 2009

Super Sleuth

There was a little excitement today at goddess palace. It started out like most days... coffee and cig, TV blather til, Tarot card and horoscope check (good day), Otis exercise, my exercise and rabbit management (cage cleaning). I sought to sneak in a game of Word Find when I heard a car pull into the driveway. I was elated, a visitor. Yikes! It was a cop car. He got out of his car and headed over to my neighbor next door. Whew, seeing a cop at the door is usually not a good thing. I went back to my puzzle and a few minutes later there was a knock at the door. Uh-oh, now what? I answered the door in my bifocals with the puzzle in hand. The crew cutted fellow immediately stated, "we have a mystery in the neighborhood." I tried not to look to pleased and thought, Oh goody! Instead I put on a worried look and said, "what's going on?" He said, " Someone left a lawnmower in your neighbor's yard that doesn't belong to them. " I stifled a giggle and got even more serious, until he demanded, "do you have a lawnmower?" Perhaps I looked guilty as he looked directly into my eyes, and I quickly responded, "No, we all use landscaping services on this block." (then I did feel guilty because it sounded pretentious). "Well", he stated with authority, "we take this very seriously as this could be used as a ploy to case or rob the home." I didn't really get the connection, but I stated, "Oh that's alright officer, I am always home, except if I have to walk to the store, and I'll be vigilant in watching the neighborhood for suspicious activity." He just nodded at me and marched off. So today, I have been peeking out curtains to the house in question, running to the door when I catch sight of a person coming down the street, and I will post myself on the front porch as a self appointed Neighborhood Watch. I have a mission today... Wendilea Super Sleuth. The routine has been broken.