Friday, September 12, 2008

One Crazy Nutbag

Today I had the humiliating experience of trying to retake my picture for my profile. My husband told me the other day that my writings were pretty good but my photo was atrocious. He then added that I looked like some kind of a crazy nutbag. Before I had the chance to react to his hurtful comment with my brand of pouty indignation, he quickly added, "I want people to see the real beauty that you are." The ego crasher turned masher was vindicated. My son gave his negative appraisal of my picture as "you look like a deer in the headlights." He then proceded to chide me for obviously taking a picture of myself against a wall, when our computer has a built in camera.  Who knew? So last night my husband found the photobooth application for me, and I painfully took pictures of myself (trying not to look like a nutbag). Now I am not known for my patience or my technical skills, and it became a lesson in futility. After about 12 shots and a movie clip (that I still don't know how it occurred),  I gave up and chose one that wasn't horrible. Now don't get me wrong, I love the camera when I am on the other side of it, snapping pictures of my beloved Nature, but this felt like torture. So, to my beloved....if this new profile photo doesn't suit my "beauty'', then I guess you can plan on spending Saturday taking glamour shots of me. As long as I don't have to look at them and choose.