Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Love from my Beatles

Friday night I celebrated my birthday with my best friend (who happens to be my husband) while listening to my favorite album from my favorite group of all time. The Beatles Love album is the best collection of all of their songs and each takes me on a tour down memory lane right through my childhood. Following my own advice (see entry Aug, 26, 2008) I decided that it was the perfect night to sing with all the lyrics that I know by heart. When "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" came on, I was right back in my grandparents living room watching the Ed Sullivan show and seeing what can only be described as a very spiritual moment. Those four young men came from England and charted a whole new course for the young people of America. Though I was only 7, I was deeply moved by their music and understood only that they sang of love. Songs such as "Love Me Do", "And I Love Her", "Can't Buy Me Love" and "All You Need is Love" were sang over and over by every kid in our neighborhood, and even the parents eventually got on board with songs such as "Michelle", "Something", and "Good Day Sunshine". When I was  very young my favorite Beatles were Ringo and Paul, as they were the cutest Beatles. However, as I grew older and was able to understand about the serious events in the world, my allegiance shifted to John and George for their tremendous positive social impact.  It felt so good to sing and reminisce and when Strawberry Fields Forever came on, I felt a fleeting sadness knowing that my two favs were no longer in the world. As I sat alone singing (while my husband went inside to refresh the cocktails that gave me the nerve to sing so loud), I felt the distinct presence of John on my left and George on my right, singing along with me as loving friends would do. Oh what a thrilling moment it was!!  Now you may think that this was a case of wishful thinking, or a whiskey induced hallucination....no matter. I had the BEST birthday with a little help from my friends!!!