Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mother of the Lost Boys... maybe?

It's been a year and two months since I last worked a day job and although I'm not complaining here, the Domestic Goddess stint is getting a bit old. I write four blogs, contribute to a pagan poetry site, an art site, and a photography site. I have almost completed a memoir and have a healthy start to a fiction novel... and yet I still have a a lot of time on my hands. I sent in an application to the local hospital to volunteer, but have not had any response as yet. So when a good friend told me that there are always openings for RN's at the county jail, though my interest was peaked, I didn't think there would be any follow-up. I was wrong... this friend actually made some phone calls on my behalf and let me know that if I apply, a county administrator would put in a good word for me. So today I down loaded the application, got my resume in order, and walked an hour each way to the local pharmacy to have my paperwork faxed over. I haven't actually worked as an RN for about 10 years now, but who knows... I always kept my license renewed... just in case. Some family members voiced concern for my safety in such a "dangerous" environment and I had to smile. Somerset County is one of the wealthiest counties in the state and I would not imagine that hardened criminals would be showing up at a county jail... it's not as if I applied to Rikers Island. I would imagine most offenders would have alcohol or drug related crimes, and here I would feel a deep compassion as I don't share society's harsh condemnation for people who make mistakes or get lost.. they are still a part of our human family. Like Wendy in Peter Pan (for who I was named) I could see myself caring for and teaching lost boys (and girls.. let's be fair). Though I'm trying not to get too excited about getting called, it is something to look forward to in breaking the monotony of my solitary day... and who knows, maybe there will be a car in my future. Wish me luck!