Friday, March 19, 2010

Gratefulness: Filling in the Blanks

I have a beautiful book that I use to remind me of all the things that I'm grateful for. It's a part of my morning ritual where I choose the first four things that come to mind for that particular day that gives me reason to smile, to be happy, or to feel thankful for. It comes in very handy on those days when I feel lonely, or out of sorts, or just plain blue. I look back at all the entries that have been recorded and like magick, suddenly I don't feel so bad. Some entries are highly personal and directed at specific things or people in my life and some are very general and are probably things other people would share in being grateful for as well. For instance:

  • courage in the face of fear
  • the timely greeting of a budding tree
  • living abundantly in abundance
  • new friends and old alike
  • the gift of imagination
  • sharing laughter
  • the grace of the full moon
  • walking in wonder
  • team spirit
  • the quietness of falling snow
  • a clean bill of health
  • the love of a pet
You can see how I've managed to complete half of book... when I'm feeling up to it. And when I'm not, I need only to read what was once written and realize that although everything changes, there is always something new and exciting to experience or be grateful for. Sometimes the best way to remember these things is to write them down, lest we forget.

The beautiful picture here is called Moon Maiden by Jean and Ron Henry. and on the back of my book is an extract from Tis moonlight, summer moonlight by Emily Bronte:

'Tis moonlight, summer moonlight
All soft and still and fair;
The solemn hour of midnight
Breathes sweet thoughts everywhere...