Monday, August 25, 2008

Being a Knowbody

Being a "somebody" is a termed usually reserved for people who possess some talent that gives them an audience of large groups of people who admire, envy, or in some way are touched by the somebody. Everyone has their mental list of who the somebodies are, however for the most part, I am referring to the somebody who is a household name. If your not a somebody, you are generally referred to as a "nobody". In my opinion, this term seems to represent the opposite of the somebody, meaning someone with no talent or admirers, invisible and unengaged; hence "no body".  Since I'm not a person who feels comfortable in a  black and white world, I'd say that between these two extremes is a what I like to consider myself... a" knowbody".  Although I admire the hard work and the sacrifice put forth by my list of somebodies, i.e. Oprah, Madonna, Steven Colbert... I would have no desire to walk in their footsteps. I am content just knowing that by enjoying their talents, in some small way I contribute to their success. This puts me in the good, anonymous company of  others who "know" talent, and by tuning in, also contribute to the success of the somebody. As the great majority, we share an important job and although most people wish to be a somebody, I don't aspire to this goal.  I can't imagine the incredible pressure and lack of freedom that these folk must endure. I can roam anywhere in the world and nobody will ever bug me for an autograph or scandalous picture. There is no pressure to do anything except what I feel like doing at the moment, and the only criticism that might sting would come from my tiny family group ( as I don't really care what anyone outside that groups thinks). I know myself and my talents and am content at present. There is always the possibility that by reaching for higher goals or new hobbies I can perhaps elevate a little higher up the somebody-nobody continuum, but as a true knowbody, I think I would know when to stop.