Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Freedom from work

Did you ever wonder what it would feel like to get fired from your job for claiming that the raise you received was a joke? Well once the initial shock that this is a legitimate reason for being fired wears off... It feels great! I actually got the prize of freedom for my outspoken honesty, as I can stay up late, sleep in, and live in the moment, for the moment. In the past I was caught up in the false belief that if I did not contribute to the workplace, boredom or guilt would be my punishment, however, in the five months that I have been out of work I feel neither. I used to feel so tired all the time and now I realize that it was because I was tired... tired of working in the corporate setting where you spend too much of your time catering to the interests of the company. In hindsight my corporate job seemed to stifle or contaminate the most important parts of my life, mainly my family and creative pursuits. Now I can't wait to start the day and wonder about what I will read or do or create. I actually feel like doing exercise, not just once, but several times a day. I have learned to be good to myself so simple tasks like doing the laundry and washing the floor are just as enjoyable as reading and surfing the web. I am having such a wonderful time and yet I hope that by writing about my newly found freedom, perhaps I will gain some insight that will allow me to reinvent myself for the future.