Thursday, February 12, 2009

Second Time Around

Well, my buyer came for another visit today. Unbeknownst to me, he had been here before and already said he loved the house and would be back. That was a month ago, and so I thought it might have been an empty promise. It was new seasoned realtor who called, and so I didn't suspect it was the same guy, who already found it to be perfect. The realtor was a name I can remember from 'FOR  SALE' signs posted in the 60's, and he has been selling houses from the time I was born. Now if I suspected that this was the prospective buyer, I would have saved myself a lot of cleaning time. But maybe not, cause I really like to clean, as it gives me a sense of purpose. Floors were scrubbed, polished, and vacuumed, light bulbs changed, furniture was dusted and polished, cookies were baked, and poor old Otis was banished to his cage for most of the day. I can't have a rabbit who thinks he's a horse, (and my kitchen is his stable), roaming around amidst his strewn hay on the floor. If I knew it was this buyer who is selling a farm in Hunterdon County, I may have reconsidered his banishment. The buyer and his sister came to see the house, and we had a great visit. Her and I chatted for a good hour, while the realtor and her brother looked at my survey, and discussed his situation. Maybe cause I tend to get lonely, I was too busy chatting with a really nice woman who lived in my town, but grew up in a big city, that I didn't pay attention to the business conversation. I love hearing other people's histories, as everyone has a story to tell. We all sat around my dining room table, having our two separate conversations, one business, one social, and the afternoon flew by. James Taylor sang softly in the background, and my cookies and the aroma of fresh ground, fresh brewed coffee wafted from the kitchen. I had some spring scented candles burning, and the roaring of the 50 MPH winds just added to the coziness. The buyer's sister said she loved the attic room that used to host our kids friends for sleepovers, and also served as a bedroom for my nephew, once upon a time. I told her she could have it as her room if she bought the house, and we laughed together ( her, because it was a brother buying the house, and me because I didn't know that, and thought it was a wife inside joke). I sent my guests away with homemade chocolate chip cookies, and my female visitor hugged me and said she knew I would have a wonderful time touring America, because she could tell that I was a nice person and people would welcome me wherever I went. And you know, hard as it is for a modest person to admit, I believe her.