Monday, February 23, 2009

Swimming with Snarks

Over the weekend the tide shifted. Flood gates of repressed thought, came pouring out of my psyche and into my mind. For as long as I dare to remember, I was always trying hard to do the right thing, to say the right thing, by being good, and kind, and careful. Words were chosen wisely, so as not to offend, and yet, sometimes  when I least expected, I would miss the mark. An occasional outburst of feeling, lost me friends, family ties, and a  job. None of my strivings for acceptance, or my well intentioned action, seemed to matter. It was always a one shot indiscretion of the spoken word, that caused the rift. It was like poor Michel Phelps, who achieved an incredible goal, and then lost it all for a simple photo of him exploring his youth. I don't care what he did, it was normal for his age, for goodness sake! I still consider him a hero. Though I don't have a huge fan base, I decided this weekend to swim out of the mold and explore the dark waters of my repressed thoughts. Lo, and behold, the exploration released a deluge of short, testy or ill-temepered snide, otherwise known in british slang as "snarkey"comments, or simply put... snarks. Nothing was sacred, as the pen furiously wrote down the irreverent jibes. They were intended for no one in particular, as the attacks were general: nothing overtly religious, ethnic, or slanderous. I know I am no comedienne, as I crack up at my own comments, but with all the dour news about the economy, it was comic relief to be laughing so spontaneously. As hard as I work on my current blog entries, the average person seems to stay on the site a mere 23 seconds before they move on, and so I got an idea. Why not put my snarks to the Internet and just see if I can make others laugh as well? If not, no harm done, but if so, well, what better way to spread a little fun. So, in addition to my current blog, (which keeps me grounded), I have added another one under the pen name of Snarkey Barker (I'm a big fan of Dorothy Parker, whose quotes you can google). I warn you though, it is not pretty, it's not lady-like, and I make no apologies. Enjoy!

Here is the link: