Monday, January 4, 2010

Toughest job in the World... Not!

Today I got my mundane domestic goddess chores done in a flash and then packed my little lunch of leftovers to joyfully head to my new job. I sang as I drove my 15 minute commute doing the speed limit of course, but wishing everyone else on the road would go just a little faster. I pulled up to my destination and got out with my lunch and a shopping bag of little surprises... some fruit, some clothes, and some CD's. I rushed in the door to meet the team "mascot" who shook with delight as I reached in my pocket for a little treat. Her thanks was a big wet kiss, a sneeze, and a snort. I made my way into the "work" area and set down my bag. My heart jumped for joy as I gazed down at my sleeping "assignment." What a job, I thought, as I headed to microwave to heat my lunch so I could get started right away. There were hugs and the exchange of information, and I wolfed down my lunch with a glass of water and got right down to business. Gently I scooped up my prize package and marveled at the the big blue eyes that surveyed me for a moment and then gave a big stretch of awakening. There was a quiver of lip and a kitten-like whimper. "Team Mom" went to hit the shower and get ready for some time out... shopping. I took my position on the couch and cuddled and cooed to my precious grand-daughter, and was happy there were no distractions like TV to interfere with my work. Lilydog the mascot cuddled up next to me and the baby and got some special attention as well (I'm getting good with multi-tasking here). There was some fussing and the most adorable little grimacing that turn into a full blown wail. I didn't need coaxing to know it was feeding time and went to get a bottle and put it in the warmer. As it heated I made it upstairs with baby Annabel for a diaper check and change and got back downstairs before her wailing became too overwhelming. I settled down to feed her with Lily and two cats, Milo and Mimi, looking on. What a joy to feed, burp, cuddle, and coo! I sang christmas carols and celtic tunes and watched every expression on that little angel face until she was once again asleep in my arms. It seemed like hours turned into minutes as my daughter returned. After a cup of tea and some chat with my "baby girl", I got ready to leave "work". I just can't wait for tomorrow when I can do it all again!