Thursday, October 2, 2008

Four Day Work Week

A while back I posted my Presidential platform, and I would like to make another important addition in light of the recent financial crisis. Beginning today, all American workers will only have to report for a 4 day work week...that's right, you all have tomorrow off, with one exception... Wall Street. All those workers will have to work an extra day, even if it means just sitting on the floor on Saturday to think about what they have done (which is pretty shameful). If the rest of the workers who ultimately have to pay for the Wall Street mess got an extra day off, this bailout might not be as tough to swallow. There would be so much money saved in gas reduction, energy costs, medical expenses .... IF the workers who do so much for this country had a real day of rest, recreation, or just plain reflection. Everyone works too hard not to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Currently most people need Saturday just to catch up on their own "home" work ... cleaning, fixing, food shopping and paying bills. Sunday is only a transition day where you have to squeeze in all the fun you can, before preparing for the grind of another work week. My Fridays off policy would bring more shoppers to the stores to buy the goods that boost the economy. Travel might increase, as it would be worthwhile to take the mini-vacation now and again, instead of waiting once a year (that is, if you haven't used the days as sick days). What a great mental heath refresher the 4 day work week would provide and think about all the illegal mental heath days that would be saved. Every hard working person would stand to gain quality time with their loved ones, which might even start a trend of better marriages, stable homes and healthier lifestyles. As far as I can see, the 1 % of the wealthiest Americans, who have all the billions of dollars, can subsidize the cost to small businesses for this leisure. After all, they couldn't possibly spend that much money in a lifetime, and yet they would certainly reap a benefit by the increased productivity shown by the happy workers in their big giant corporations. It would also teach them a lesson about the cost of greed, and the fact that if we are truly one America, then no one wins if anyone loses. So in order to practice what I preach, I am taking every Friday off, and if I am voted President... you can too!