Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How to Place a Comment

Several of my friends and family members have told me that they wanted to post a comment but are unable to. Now, I am not the most web-savvy person in the world but I'll try to explain how this is done. There will be a series of odd looking letters displayed that you have to type in the place provided as a word verification. This is called a CAPTCHA which stands for Completely Automated Public Tuning-test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. The reason for this is to protect the site from computer generated spam (unnecessary clutter). Once you type your comment, you will see that the little radio button is defaulted to Google blogger. You must use the mouse to click on the button that says name/URL (disregard the URL entry as it is not necessary). You will see  a space to type in your name, OR, if you think the entry really sucks and you don't want me to get mad at you for saying so, you can choose the anonymous button. If you need to edit your comment, then hit the review button and then hit edit and make corrections. If you are satisfied with your comment then remember to hit publish. I will respond to every comment, unless I get a five page tirade unrelated to me or my topic (like I did today). I realize that this is a bit scary at first, but you should have seen me sweating when I had to insert a big piece of programming code into the HTML editor of my blog, so that I can see how many people are reading and where in the world they are reading from. I had to print the instructions and try it several times before it worked...nothing broke or got messed up, and I felt so proud of myself! Now it is your turn. Send me a comment even if it takes several times to do it... my stats will not let me see your errors. Go ahead...I dare you ;>)