Tuesday, October 14, 2008


It was a beautiful morning for my daily bike ride, and as I zipped along my usual route around town, I had nothing in mind but the enjoyment of a good ride. While pedaling upgrade to a crossroads, I heard a loud WOOO coming from the parking lot of a tavern. I looked around to see who was the cause of such an excited exclamation as I realized it was a young male truck driver who was unloading his truck. When I looked towards him he waved at me and yelled YEAA. Now I know I have been diligent with my ride and actually have the nerve to wear spandex biking gear, and with my blonde hair flying out of the helmet and dark shades, I'm sure this young guy did not realize that he was "wooing" at a woman old enough to be his mother.  I couldn't help but chuckle and off I rode. For the next few minutes I was distracted with the thought that because I was at such a distance and the poor guy couldn't see the lines on my face or the roll of my belly that would certainly give away my real age, that perhaps it wasn't fair to feel so good. But I felt great.... and it was a long time in coming. As a young girl and well into my teens, I was embarrassed by any form of male attention and it would visibly upset me.  As I got into my 20's and 30's and the world became more politically correct, I didn't have to worry as much about "cat calling" (as my Dad would have called it). When it did occur, I would have produced a disgusted look all the while shaking my head with disdain. Other behaviors I would have used to greet the male call of approval would be to 1) ignore it completely, 2) quickly turn my head away from the offending noise, or 3) speed my pace while staring at my feet. In my forties I was a little bolder. I remember two occasions where young guys in cars pulled up to my little Volvo after spying the long blonde hair. As they got within a good viewing distance by my side, I got a kick out of pulling off my sunglasses and flashing my smile, only to see them visibly realize that I wasn't a young chick as they sped away. But today at 51 I can only feel grateful for that young man's misguided appreciation, and wish I had the nerve to yell back WOO to You too! Perhaps it's something to aspire to when I'm 60. For now, I'll just enjoy the cat call as a well deserved compliment.