Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Peace on Earth ... Starting with the Family

Ah, the holiday season is upon us,  as we play carols, and watch cartoons that proclaim "Pleace on Earth, Goodwill Towards Men"... (we have probably all cried after Linus's speech on the "Charlie Brown Christmas") knowing it is our most human desire that this be so. And yet for me, it calls to mind the difficulty of the task at hand, as I reflect on the usual drama that is caused by families, comprised of a diverse set of members, with differing circumstances and emotional temperaments, who come together to share the common bond that binds. Leo Tolstoy once wrote, "All happy families resemble each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in it's own way." No truer words were ever spoken, and yet we fight within the convicted place that lies between our heart and our head that this should not be so. We so much want the fairy tale existence, where everyone should be merry, and gay, and loving, that we lose sight, that if this were so... we would not have opportunities to grow and learn, and become better versions of ourselves. And so this holiday season I am prepared for the usual drama, for better or worse, and will deal with it in a different way this year. Of those family ties that I can find a common ground for peace, I will savor, and share, and enjoy the goodwill that emanates. For those I cannot control, and cannot reconcile... I will let go, knowing the time is not yet right. For this year, I can synthesize the lessons of the past ... that to fully enjoy peace you must find it first within yourself. No harsh judgement, no condemnation... just acceptance for the person I am and the life I am living. Only in this way can I transcend the drama, and enjoy the many blessings, that are the greatest gifts meant to be shared.