Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Judgement Day

Growing up in a working class world, the first financial lesson my dad taught me was simple 1). pay your bills and live within your means 2). put something away for a rainy day (he worked in construction, so it made sense to me 3) spend on things you need 4) help others 5) spend a little on enjoyment 6) don't rely on credit. I have always followed this simple advice, and now it seems to be paying off, in the hardest of times. I suspect most working class Americans received similar advice, and so in the wake of this terrible economic crises, the real trouble for the future will come to those who have sought to gain their money by unscrupulous means, investing in schemes of greed, racked up gambling debts, and continued terrorizing everyone else, as they watch the fruits of their deviousness go down the drain. These mighty lords and ladies of greed even got a second chance with the financial and bank bailouts, but did they change their ways and repent? No, they took the money from the coffers of the hardworking, and continued in their lavish lifestyles, with business as usual, thumb nosing at everyone and continuing their crimes of excess. They were so sure that their chosen God of White Wealth would prevail, using fear, and patriotism to intimidate the working class. The people were angered beyond belief, and finally woke up and did their own patriotic duty by voting for a young upstart, with brains and eloquence, humbleness and compassion. As the decline brought upon us by these greedy pillagers continues, the working class will do what they were taught to do, tighten their belts, stop the games of the money lenders by using cash, living hand to mouth for a while, and watching their rainy day funds, like a hawk, scrimping, but knowing they will survive. Meanwhile, as the high and mighty find their investments dwindling along with their Gucci lifestyles, the lords and ladies will bawl and cry foul, as bullies usually do. They will raise their voices to denigrate the upstart, lead by the lord of white wealth, and they will be exposed as to their true merit, like a drying worms on a sunny pavement. The hourglass is emptying, but is about to be turned upside down. The cheers will not be heard immediately, because like the new Leader, the working class is patient and cautious. These good Americans will prevail, and as do, they will lend a hand and help the poor and disenfranchised, as they learned their life lessons well, "therefore by the grace of the Divine go I." The high and mighty and their capital greed will fall, and it will be a crash and burn scenario. Many will die by their own hand, like cowards, who would rather be dead then humbled. Others will flee, and probably seek to set up their practices in other lands, forgetting that there is no one in the world who is ignorant to their games. They deserve to be marched into the barbarian lands that they warned us about, and let the fundamentalist chip fall where it may. Meanwhile, as the good citizens of the world, work and grow and prosper under their new code of understanding (if one of us falls, we all fall)  the New World will heal, and mend, and prosper again.