Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Working It From the Outside In

I've always been a fan of exercise as a means of perking up the mood, or keeping the weight in check. I walk, dance, or clean house several times a week. If the weather permits, I will don my spandex and go for a nice long bike ride around town. But lately, my new exercise of choice is Pilates. I have a tape of it, and the leader, Maria Leone, is a real pro and a real person. I like the fact that she doesn't promise the impossible, like sculpting the body, or rapid weight loss... I know this is unachievable in a 40 minute span, done two or three times a week. The only claim she gives is that the workout will "increase your core strength and with improved posture will make you look and feel better about your body." Hurray, it's not a false or glamorous claim. Any women knows the weight trick of advertising, where the woman stands in a hunched and frumpy position, bulged gut to the camera, and looking forlorn. The weight loss claim, then shows the same woman in a semi-side view pose, in a two piece, sucking in her gut, with make-up, hair-do and a big smile. Were you ever fooled by such nonsense? I didn't think so. I taught aerobics classes in my twenties, and I can assure you that six pack abs come from doing 3 one hour classes five days a week, with practice on the weekends. But this video with it's honesty, and small, fit, but unglamorous woman, gives me incentive to work out. She has been my on again- off again partner for years now, and I have learned all her moves. So, now a new height in work-out occurs as I insert the tape, place my blanket on the floor, close my eyes, and  just follow the commands. I am actually meditating (aka thinking of nothing), as I go through the movement. Sure, there are points where my body starts complaining ( I hate the leg circles), but I know the routine by heart and I know it will be over soon enough. There are no stray thoughts to distract me as I focus on tightening, sucking in, and keeping shoulders down. The mind is blank, and once completed I feel at peace, and proud of myself. Though I have the best intentions, I usually only complete the workout twice a week, but throughout the long dreary winter, I have been that vigilant. Today, I saw my two bottom ribs for the first time in a long time, and while this is probably only two mini bottles of a 12 pack, I am pumped that it occurred at all. The mental quiet is so much more of a reward.