Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Signs of Spring

Today I awoke to the sunrise peeking through the shades of my bedroom windows. It was 7:00 AM, and late for me. My husband chided me for sleeping in, when such a nice warm day was in the works. He had already completed his early morning bike ride and was happily Scrabble-ing, as the weather person was announcing possible record highs for the coming day. This lifted my spirits immediately, as I sipped my morning coffee. Once fully awake, I ran upstairs (something unusual for me during the morning hours) and dressed for my first bike ride of the new year. Although a few patches of dirty snow were stubbornly scattered here and there, I could smell a fresh coolness in the air, but with no harsh chill. I straddled my bike and slowly rode down the block. My thighs began their muscular protest within minutes (I guess climbing two flights of stairs several times a day does not substitute for real exercise), but I forged on anyway. The sun was shining brilliantly and within 10 minutes I was sweating... guessing that I didn't really need the sweatshirt over the spandex top. The birds were all atwitter, the squirrels were in a playful chase, and my friends, the turkey buzzards, were riding gaily on the circular air currents. Then I heard the first call of the chickadee... a sure sign of Spring. I only did half of my usual ride, as I have learned from experience that new exercise needs to be introduced gradually, and I headed home. It was now over 50 degrees, and so I lingered outside and did a spontaneous yard clean, as part of the spring cleaning ritual. Once inside I opened several windows to welcome the sounds and smell of the coming season. Dusty houseplants were put outside, and I made my list to go shopping. Early in the week my son lent me his brand new Jeep... a standard shift manly hunk of a machine, and if I could have managed it, I would have pulled off the top and went for a windblown joy ride. No matter, instead I figured out where the power windows were, and barreled off to the gas station, bank and supermarket. With the wind whipping my hair, I blasted his alternative music radio station, enjoying the power. Nature is terrific, but after 7 months without a vehicle to drive, this sensation was heaven, and another way to enjoy the coming of Spring. Now that I'm home, I think I'll celebrate and crack a beer!