Thursday, November 13, 2008

JWB and Me.... Perfect Together

After a hard day's work of scrubbing, laundry, exercising, shopping, cooking, and writing, there are several sounds that ring like music to my ears. Ok, I admit the sound of the front door opening and my husband announcing his arrival home takes top honors. But in close second comes the combined sounds of ice being drawn into a pint glass, a screw top opened, the quick splash of a soft pour, a cold stream of water, a clinking stir, and the stab of a straw into the pale beverage that is indeed, the "water of life".  That is my cocktail, Johnny Walker Black ... the only other "man" in my life that rivals my husband for my attention. The first sip always reminds me of Christmas, though I don't know why, and the last sip of the night cheers my spirit while numbing my mind of mental chatter. I've tried all the other alcohol laced drinks over the years, but none of them can compare to my whiskey water cocktail. Wine is the worst, I can have a tiny glass of white and it's ok with a meal, but if more than that is consumed, I get very, very irritable. If it's red wine...forget it...I guarantee there will be a fight of some sort. Beer is great, I love the taste, but the bloat and the gas are not really worth the happy buzz. Vodka is just plain gross, gin gives me a headache, while the whole parade of sweet drinks will guarantee that I guzzle instead of sip and get sick. Now on special winter occasions, I love a small snifter of single malt scotch, particularly Laguvulin ( which is real peaty and not for the delicate palate). I have recently learned that JWB has a percentage of Lagavulin in it, which is why no other blended scotch can compare. JWB is expensive, so I only need a very small amount in a lot of ice water to provide me with the pleasure of his company. I stay hydrated as I sip, and I can have more than one if I so choose and never get the dreaded hangover. Yes, I have had a long pleasant affair with JWB and my husband is fine with long as "he" continues to keep me happy.