Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Worst Interview...Ever

I am a pretty honest and forthright person, and so I will share what was to be my worst job interview, and you can be the judge of the obvious outcome here. OK, lets play. I responded to a recruiter for a job as Head of Data Management for a large Pharma Company. Normally I get Data Management job offers all the time but this one seemed right up my alley. You see, I spent 7 years in Data management, and while it was not the most exciting job in the world it paid the bills and kept me busy. I even went back to college for a Masters degree in Information Systems Management so I could become more "tech savvy." I learned a lot, but it was apparent that my people skills were far more advanced then my capacity to understand the logical premise of the tech world, and so I decided that that people management was the only area I would really enjoy (and be good at). The offer for this position required knowledge (not proficiency) in a few Data Management related technologies, but the emphasis was on supervision of people and communication with other departments. So, you could imagine my delight at being granted a phone interview for what I thought would be a 3 mos. lucrative contract position as a people/project manager. I did my homework in regards to finding everything I could about the Pharma company, such as their history, sales figures, and global presence. I memorized many of the 76 products that were on the market, and I prepared test dialogue in my head about what makes a good manager... gaining employee trust, treating others with dignity, leading by example... the ideas were flying. I even figured I would offer to do a SWOT analysis where I could identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the department through my investigative leadership during the 3 month tour of duty. So I felt fully prepared when the phone rang 3 minutes after the scheduled interview time and a high pitched male voice identified himself as the interviewer. I answered pleasantly and tried to be social by asking," how are you today?" I was cut off mid sentence, by what seemed like a type A individual who "just needed to ask a few questions." "Ok, this is not a social person", I thought, as he fired questions in rapid succession on various Data Management tools that seemed very specific and very unfamiliar (not the ones that were mentioned in the job description). At one point I could hear the exasperation as he demanded, "alright what are the specific applications you used at your last two employers then, huh?" I didn't particularly care for his tone, so I said, "excuse me but I signed a non-disclosure with these companies and I don't feel comfortable giving away their proprietary information". Now, he was really annoyed and started almost shouting... 'have you worked with eRT, do you even know what it is?", and I thought about it...but I could not remember what it even stood for, so I stated, " I have worked with a good many DM applications, some developed in-house, and some as off the shelf industry standards, but I'm more interested in the people management aspect of the job"... to which he boomed, "there are only three people to manage and I'll do that, I need someone to get this new system up and running, as my former head of the department left!" "Ohhh... I see", I thought," there is no management of people, or team leadership, or project management of clinical trials. This guy needs a task master for technologies that are new, and he will give that person a fancy title to get the job done." Now I knew it was clearly over, so I said, " I'm not interested in doing heads down data management, as I am more of a leader, and it seems like you need a programmer, which is not what the job description indicated." He abruptly replied, "although you might have been a good leader in our old way of doing business, I need someone who is technically solid and won't need any training here, so I don't think your what I'm looking for." As politely and friendly as I could muster, I began to say," well thank you for the opportunity to interview with you, and good luck with your new system." I was interrupted after the thank-you, as he demanded,"What?, as if he couldn't hear me, but when I started to repeat the line, he abruptly hung up on me, and so I finished the line as a facetious,"good luck with your new fangled system...a**hole"!