Monday, November 17, 2008

Seeing Red

What started out as a perfectly good day has gone south... where I wish I was right now. I am studying the Tarot, so when I chose my card today (to see what good fortune I would find), I picked the Sun card. The meaning could be summed up in four phrases actually... becoming enlightened, experiencing greatness, feeling vitality, and having assurance. Perfect! However, not to be content with the draw of the cards, or blind luck as it were, I also read my horoscope which stated... "You are the person that your friends and colleagues go to when they need a critical eye to assess a situation. Today, however, you are the one in need of a reality check. The problem is that you cannot rely on others right now, for they could inadvertently pull you off the track even further..." Well, no truer words were every stated. I had only to read a comment posted on my husband's Facebook wall that read...Gerald is so glad it's Monday... and I not only fell off the track, I exploded in flames and then numbly looked at the smoldering carcass that was left in the mud. My "enigma wrapped in a riddle" gave me my best test of my enlightenment, and now I should just go and put my face and all of it's shining glory on Vitality? Yes, if I had a tackhammer I would put it to good use on his beautiful baby head with the assurance that his brain would swell and stifle the words, that spoken so innocently, would spout incoherently, so others could not deduce the dreaded outrage that I feel. We had a wonderful weekend, celebrating with friends, and cooking, and laughing and ... oh never mind. Mrs. Personality... my pet squirrel, is distracting me by trying to climb into the window next to where I am writing . She knows I am upset... and I am glad for her kind company. Or maybe, she is just thanking me for the nuts that I left on the back porch for her. One thing I know I am good at... is leaving the nuts behind. Cleansing breath...