Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Delightful Pampering

Well, it's been over a year since I highlighted my softly graying hair and with three showers and a wedding coming soon, I gave in to vanity and went for some foil highlights. Vivi was happy to see me, and excitedly asked how my trip was going. I had to report that we never sold our house and have not even bought our Eurovan yet. Always cheerful, she gave her vote of confidence that we would be going soon... when the time was perfect. I was the only one in the shop and after some polite conversations about our families, she got down to the business of the separating the small sections of hair with her magic rat-tailed comb and brushing on the purple dye paste down the hair shafts that were skillfully placed against a square of aluminum foil and then carefully folded in half horizontally and then again, and then vertically folded at the edges until my head looked like a space aged Medusa. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the gentle combing, brushing, and folding in silence. Vivi is delightful and gives in to quiet concentration when she works. I like that because then I can enter that state of almost sleep and stillness that is really a quiet meditation. I am thankful that I can enjoy this appeal to my vanity, and the fussing and pampering that go along with the process. When she finished the foiling, a timer was set, some coffee was brought to me, and I got to read my novel in peace and quiet for 20 minutes. Then to the sink for the rinse out and application of "gloss" (whatever that is). Another 10 minutes of reading, some pleasant chat with another patron about my age who was getting a haircut and blow dry, and then back to the sink for the final rinse out and gentle detangle by an expert shampooist who more than earned her tip with her serious attention to perfect water temperature, perfect scalp massage pressure, and the gentlest of combings. I was so pampered and when the blow dry was done... I did look a good 5 years younger with the lightening (at least I thought I did, though it had to be pointed out to my husband). I use to say that "beauty parlors" were for silly old ladies... I guess I'll eat those words and pronounce... guilty as charged.