Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Raise a Glass to Confusion

Today is St. Patrick's Day and a reason to raise a pint or two, but not in spirit of religion (I know very few Christians who actually attend mass on this day).  It seems, that Patrick was not born in Ireland, but in either Wales or England. Story has it that he was captured by Pagans and taken to Ireland to be a herder of some kind. He prayed, he escaped, and went back to England. Then, as legend has it, he had a vision and returned to Ireland to spread Christianity. Supposedly, the Druids tried to kill him several times, but eventually they gave him money to build his first church. One sees a parallel with the Jesus story here. Jesus also went to a foreign land, India, and studied. He came home to spread his word, which was in opposition to religion of the time. He, like St. Patrick became recognized by the church, after his death. I think the greater question here, is how and why the landscape changed, and why people were lead to different directions than their forefathers and mothers. Maybe cause life is continually changing, and the natural rebelliousness that occurs, forces those changes that will ultimately bring forth greater understanding and growth. But change is also fearsome, and not without sacrifice. Sometimes in wanting to move forward, people may have to retreat back to misunderstanding and confusion, until a greater good is finally achieved. So as the day is celebrated with "spirits" and revelry, perhaps it signifies the celebration of confusion of the dueling faces of a mysterious past. I'll raise a glass to the present, and let the future chips fall where they may.