Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Joy of Joys

I am the happiest woman on earth today! My beautiful daughter has made her announcement official, she is pregnant... and I am to be a grandmother. I knew it beforehand, as a child cannot keep a secret from a mother who has taken her through sleepless nights of hunger, potty training, peer pressure, puppy love, and marriage. Of course the initial complaints of tiredness and not feeling right seemed of some concern. But when she presented me with a perfect blood test profile and I looked in her soulful brown eyes... I guessed the inevitable. Moms know and see things no one else can fathom. But I kept her secret safe until she was ready to broadcast the wonderful news... no small feat for a mother's pride and glory. She came this morning with the picture of the baby in ultrasound... like a tiny little lima bean floating in a sea of dark. I kissed the picture and tried hard to keep my composure. My daughter will never fully realize the love I have for her, perhaps not until she takes that little babe in her arms and delivers its first kiss. Then there will be no going back, she will be smitten for life and every word uttered, every turn of inflection on the most beautiful face in the world will matter more than anything else. Not for years or decades... but for life. I know this to be true for her and as her new little being is growing within, nothing will interfere with my attention for her in one of life's greatest miracles. My dream for her is simply this... that her child will be as loved as she is by me... and grandma will be there to do her part as well!