Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Bad Day for Beauty

Yesterday I took a needed day off from my full time temporary job to take care of household chores like order gutter cleaning, reinstate AAA (now that I have a clunker) go to the doctor's for a needed b12 shot, when I decided to call my daughter Tara who is now 22 weeks pregnant with my grandaughter Annabelle. I was alarmed when she told me she was dizzy and short of breath and couldn't get off the couch. Although I had just gotten out of the shower, I threw on some clothes and headed out the door as fast as I could to see what was up with my own baby girl. A mother instinctively knows the needs of her child (no matter how old they are) automatically come first. Although she looked tired, when I saw her I was relieved that her color was good, she was breathing ok, and nothing seemed terribly wrong. It was probably a bit of a panic attack, pregnancy does throw a surge of hormones. I had to admit that when I was pregnant with her, that I actually fainted several times during the summer months, probably I told her she should increase her water intake. I then drove her home with me so she could rest on my couch (after a nice high iron, high protein lunch). She rested, napped and hydrated with water and fruit as I cooked dinner for her little family and my own. I finished my chores and drove her to the OB-GYN where we waited in a busy office for an hour to hear her doctor assess what I already knew... "everything is fine, increase your water intake, and try to get a little more exercise to reduce stress." Annabelle's little heartbeat rhythmically beat in the merry staccato of the health unborn and all was well. I think my Beauty just needed assurance that her mom would always be there for her.. and I need to check in with her more often.